Posts in 🗣️Advice
What is Love?

*Advice and suggestions should be taken with a grain of salt and the Navigator is not liable for any personal negative consequences that may result from following our advice.

When it comes to matters of the heart, anything and everything can easily become difficult. Within a moment, you could either feel like fainting or running into someone’s arms… that is if you’re an 18th-century romantic. Nonetheless, our relationship/dating world is just becoming more and more complicated. It’s often hard to know what to do. Below is the second edition of the Navigator’s top relationship advice!

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Is it good for goodbyes to be sad? As a TCK (Third Culture Kid), goodbyes are a normal part of my life, but that does not mean they get any easier. As a Christ follower, I know that goodbyes are never final, but even a “goodbye for now” is still hard. No matter who you are, goodbyes are hard. Goodbyes never get any easier, and sometimes it is ok to just let the tears flow.

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Your First Car

*DISCLAIMER* This article is based strictly in the United States. Many things that are standard in the U.S. as listed here, such as legal statuses, regulations, practices, legislation, or legal ownership requirements may not exist in other countries. If you live outside the United States or U.S. Territories, research the laws and requirements according to your country of residence.

Many of you reading this article are probably looking for a car at this moment, that is why you clicked on it, right? Don’t judge, I am still honing my clickbait skills. Either way, there are a ton of things you need to consider before making a purchase. Remember, this car will be a part of you for years to come. Now, your first car probably won’t be a Tesla. I’m sorry if that is what you expected this article to be: How to get a Tesla for the first car. It probably won’t happen. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find a nice car to commute from work or school in.

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How to Catch Up on School

We’ve all been in a situation where we’re either feeling the pressure of being behind in school or the immense desperation of trying to catch up. The best way to remedy this universal dilemma would obviously be to never get behind. For some, this might seem impossible, especially when you go along with the trend of “we’re all behind and it’s hilarious”. Being behind and staying behind can have grave consequences. Although it is possible, particularly with the help of NSA’s own Student Success coach, Mrs. Kimberly Smith. Nonetheless, some of us just need a guide on how to catch up on school, once and for all.

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Your First Car P2

Now that you followed the link or just skipped the first article entirely(I would recommend reading Part I first, obviously) you can continue to read about cars:

This article is addressed specifically to residents of the United States. Many things that are standard in the U.S. as listed here, such as legal statuses, legislation, or legal ownership requirements may not exist in other countries. If you live outside the United States or U.S. Territories, research the laws and requirements according to your country of residence. Neither the author of his publication nor the NorthStar Navigator claim to be legal experts, nor should be taken as so. 

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Macs vs Windows, Debate of the Century

Are you a Microsoft Windows person? Or are you a Mac fan? This is a debate that never seems to end. Each side has a following of die-hard fans who insist that their OS (Operating System) has the better performance. Apple, the company that produces the Mac dynasty, is a widely popular OS, but keep in mind, about 90% of the world's computers run some version of Microsoft Windows.

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Bridging the Gap - Mrs. V

Mrs. Velasquez, or Mrs. V as most call her, is a curriculum writer for NorthStar and the Student Council advisor for this year. That means she’s not only a leader for the school, but she’s in charge of leading the student leaders! And, if teaching young, tender, and sometimes timid students how to rise up and become leaders isn’t hard enough, she has to do it completely online, across many countries around the globe.

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Have We Misunderstood Education?

Why do we get an education? You may suggest without further thought that the sole purpose of an education is to go to college, get a job, and succeed in life by whatever terms you set for yourself. While all these things are true, what if I told you that you had missed the point entirely? What if the reason we get an education is for the purpose of crafting our skill in articulation?

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The Home Stretch

This one is for the seniors. We are getting ready to transition to a whole new season of life, an exciting and new one. You know, after we graduate from high school and everything. I definitely haven’t forgotten about that point, but I have also noticed a sort of decline in my motivation and care. Okay fine, not a sort of decline, a definite decline. I have decided to go ahead and give myself a degree and diagnose myself with a little thing called senioritis.

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Dear Freshman, (pt.2)

As I was working on piecing this article together, it kept getting bigger and bigger. The longer I read over Kate, Caleb, Regan, Sarah Grace, and Rhianna’s words, the more I realized that I wanted to be able to share all of it. Everything they have said are things that I needed to be told four years ago, and I couldn’t bring myself to cut half of it out. So, without further ado, here is part 2 of the article:

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When It Comes to Matters of the Heart

When it comes to matters of the heart, anything and everything can easily become difficult. Within a moment, you could either feel like fainting or running into someone’s arms… that is if you’re an 18th century romantic. Nonetheless, with whatever love-struck dilemma you may have encountered, there is always advice to be had. Below is some advice for people who submitted the situations where Cupid’s bow and arrow may wrought some havoc in their lives.

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A Silver Lining for a Second Semester

We all know that feeling—the feeling of one semester finally wrapped up only to be met by another semester—and a fresh 18 weeks of work staring back at us from behind our screens. The novelty of our new classes has waned away, and the excitement of a new school year is all but depleted. We are left with what most of us would call a “new semester slump.” The holidays are gone, and spring break is still so far. If this sounds like something that is running through your mind, fear not, for we are about to find a silver lining in our new set of clouds.

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The Age of Social Media

Disclaimer: More mature topics and subjects are covered in this article that might not be suitable for younger audiences.

Over the last 20 years, we, as a society, have entered the age of the internet and the use of social media. Today, social media plays almost a daily role in every person’s life. But the question is, in what ways, positive or negative, has or does social media affect us? Furthermore, what do the internet and social media look like when biblical principles are applied?

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A Place of Encouragement

NSA has a numerous number of events always going on. You’ve probably seen them being advertised at a passing glance as you login to Buzz every morning. A large amount of the student body participates in such events. But if you find yourself sitting around looking for a reason to check them out, then you are in the right place. As an appropriate disclaimer, I am not one to attend many of NSA’s events. In reality, I’m probably just like most of you: too preoccupied with keeping up with my own schedule to find time for these events. You are not alone in that. However, there is much more below the surface of those notifications for upcoming events that we glance over. If, like me, you find yourself not even giving a thought to attending, here is just what we are missing out on.

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