I’ve written for the Navigator for three years. I started during my sophomore year, in 2018. Back then, it was all done on First Class. I submitted my articles and pictures to the editors each month. Every writer was able to choose their own topic, and then write articles on it. The newspaper was completely student-run. However, that began to change in 2019. By the start of my junior year, the Navigator had become an NSA class with a teacher advisor.
Read MoreI wanted to share myself with NSA. My real self. Not the “ahhhhh xd xd bahahhah” texting Izzy. I wanted to share the actual face behind those quirky, cute messages. The broken, sometimes sad, thoughtful Izzy that loves her dog like crazy and is really passionate about life. I loved writing. I love making blogs. Everything seemed simple. I started a Blogspot blog and began writing. I made an introduction and shared that introduction with the Student Body.
Read MoreA lot of people hate school. I… am not one of those people. Now, I don't like EVERYTHING about school… *ahem* quadratic equations… but I do find information, and learning in general, fascinating!
Read MoreThe 2020-21 school year was full of uncertainty and adventure for many brick-and-mortar students around the globe. With so much still going on in the world, teachers, students, and staff alike found themselves still learning how to adjust to an online learning environment. Here at NorthStar Academy, students continued to relish in their own personal academic successes. This success is largely due to the teachers -- whose patience and dedication inspires their students, no matter the situation. One of these teachers is the Navigator’s own faculty advisor: Mrs. April Meyer.
Read MoreWhen I look back on my time at NSA, a string of mundane decisions truly changed my time as a high school student. Today, I am beyond honored to be the Editor-in-Chief of the NorthStar Navigator for the 2020-2021 school year.
Read MoreI’ve always been one of those weird kids who loved school and (almost) everything about it. I love learning, asking questions, writing essays, completing assignments, and having the general productivity of working. I have never been more aware of that fact than I have been since starting NSA. As a big extrovert, I greatly miss the social aspects of a brick and mortar school, but my competitive nature is satisfied by still having classmates, my desire to go at my own pace has been fulfilled, and the flexible schedule that NorthStar provides is the best option I could have ever found for the number of dance classes and rehearsals that I have to work around during the day.
Read MoreMy family has been at North Star for a long time. When I started, Brainhoney and First Class were the platforms that I used. A few years after I started, my younger brothers joined NSA. At that time, I was in my junior year. My brothers were in eighth and seventh grade. I was the NSA veteran, the one who knew what to do and how the system worked.
Read MoreWhen talking about big families who are homeschooled, a lot of people ask how my mom manages to teach all the kids the different grades. Well, she’s not the only one who teaches the kids - my dad is actually the one who’s in charge of our older kid’s schooling. But it is interesting to have seven kids who are currently of “schooling age” in the same house, not to mention the younger ones who have to be taken care of. Even though the oldest three are moved out, there are still ten kids left to raise - the job’s nowhere near done.
Read MoreYour senior year of high school is always a very distinctive experience. Finishing up your last few classes, working on college applications, and making major decisions is a lot for anyone (and that’s not even considering the uncertainty of a world-wide pandemic). At times, it can be overwhelming and stressful. Seniors are only months away from heading off to college and living by themselves, but first, they must complete one last year as a high schooler.
Read MoreNew Years resolutions. You either love them or you hate them. Regardless of where you stand on New Years resolutions and goals, the staff of the Navigator is here to demonstrate that goals and resolutions can be short and sweet.
Read MoreHow is it already December? It seems that time has flown by recently. I, for one, am always looking forward to the holidays and the season that comes with them. Everyone's holiday looks different, especially at an international school like NSA. I invite you to get to know the 2020-2021 Navigator staff with their own words about the holidays.
Read MoreI’m not good at saying goodbye. Is anyone really?
Read MoreWhat I consider to be the most important decision of my young life was made during a rather uneventful day.
Read MoreMy name is Tirzah Hopkins.
Read MoreBefore I came to NSA, I had been homeschooled and I had gone to a public school.
Read MoreOnline school is rather unconventional and I believe that everyone has a unique story about why they came to NSA. Even those that believe their story is bland may be surprised by hearing others’, which is why everyone should share their story. Here is my experience coming to an online school for the first time.
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