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Preparing for the SAT

The Scholastic Assessment Test, SAT for short, is one of the most important tests for college applicants to take.  However, some students have trouble on the SAT because they do not prepare for it.  This article will go over how a student would prepare for the online format of the SAT, which will be used from the spring of 2024 onward.  The SAT is split into four main sections with two going over reading and English concepts, while the other two handle math concepts.  This test can be extremely daunting to students since it lasts two hours and 15 minutes (College Board).  However, with the correct preparation a student can go into the SAT well-equipped.

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Mercy Ships: Hope On the Horizon

This year, two Northstar students are living onboard one of the Mercy Ships. You might be asking, “What is a Mercy Ship?” Mercy Ships is a Christian charity that was established by Don and Deyon Stephens. Currently, there are two Mercy Ships known as the Global Mercy (GLM) and the Africa Mercy (AFM). Zara explains, “Mercy Ships provides free surgery to people in Africa. They do surgeries for people with tumors, bowlegs, cleft palates, and other diseases.” Zara also mentioned, “The organization aims to 'Follow the 2,000-year-old model of Jesus to bring hope and healing to the forgotten poor.’”

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Christmas Around the World

Do you and your family have specific traditions you do every year around Christmas? For me, my family and I always go to the tree lighting on our square and go look at Christmas lights. Just like this tradition is unique to my family, so are other traditions to other countries. For example, France, Germany, and Australia all have different practices. Those countries will be our main focus. All of these countries have unique customs surrounding Christmas. Some of these practices are unique to one country or shared by many.

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The Culture of Communication

In ancient Egypt, Egyptians used a form of writing known as hieroglyphics - carved pictures and images that represented things or ideas. In the Western world, we do not often think of pictures as a form of writing. While some Eastern languages use symbols to indicate words, Western languages use a series of letters to make words, each of which has a unique meaning. But, as technology has continued to develop, we can now communicate with people worldwide electronically. With the rise of texting, instant messaging, and social media, it seems that a new form of modern hieroglyphics has surfaced - emojis!

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Star Life: How NorthStar's Minecraft Survival Multi Player Server Works

Have you ever been curious as to how you start a Minecraft server or ever wanted to know more about maintaining one? This article contains the answers to both questions. The owner and manager of NorthStar's very own Minecraft SMP (Survival Multi Player) Server, Alexander M., has advice and information regarding his server and the skills and resources needed to create and maintain it. 

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The Story of Serving Selflessly

Have you ever dreamed of making a difference in the world? Well, that's what Cora and her family do. They live in Mexico and work with an organization that helps orphans and orphanages and have lived there since Cora was six years old. At the orphanages, her family sponsors children and works with the organization to better the environment for the children.

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Rave Reviews Returns

Hello everyone! Right now you are witnessing history! This is the return of Rave Reviews! Last year two students, Rebecca C. and Janna P., started this series of articles, with the goal of recommending books and movies. I hope you all look forward to these articles as we continually bring you more. As always, talk with your parents before reading the material. Enjoy!

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The Simple Beauty: What NorthStar Teachers Have to Say About Obedience

Picture this: you are sitting at church on a bright Sunday morning. The strong scent of the older woman’s perfume in front of you is tickling your nose. You are begging your stomach to stop gurgling so loudly that the people in front of you turn their heads. The pastor has reached the final five minutes of his sermon. He is giving the congregation final reminders for the week. Loving others, reading your Bible, and obeying God. Wait a second, obeying God? You question in your mind, How in the world am I supposed to obey a distant creator? What possible directions could he have for me? Why would he even need to concern himself with my obedience? Well, NorthStar Bible teachers and spiritual leaders answered this in the hopes of bringing students closer to God and giving younger generations a deeper understanding of God. 

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The History of the Navigator

The NorthStar Navigator, affectionately called the “Nav,” was established in 2006. Ever since then, it has continued to serve the student body by bringing stories of intrigue and interest to students across the globe. As NorthStar’s school newspaper, the Navigator shares the latest news about NorthStar happenings, student life, global issues, and so much more. However, the Navigator has evolved substantially as a school newspaper since 2006. So, the Nav Staff has decided to dig deep into old article archives to bring you the history of the Navigator.

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Questions About the Navigator

As the time approaches to sign up for the classes you want to take next year, I realized that there are probably a lot of people who have questions about the Navigator. I figured this would be the perfect time to answer some of those questions. Keep in mind as you read that I am not an expert on all things Navigator and I don’t know the perfect answer to everything, however, I will answer each question to the best of my ability. 

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My Experience at the NorthStar Navigator

This year has been my first year writing for the Navigator. I’ll be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect before I decided to join. Since I didn’t know exactly what to expect, I decided not to join last year, and now I regret not joining sooner. My goal with this article is to make sure others who are hesitant to join don’t make the same mistake I did. In this article, I will tell the story of how I decided to join the Navigator, and what my experience has been like. I will also provide information about how you can experience a Navigator live session in person.

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What Does it Take to Maintain a Vehicle?

I know what you’re thinking: “He ain’t a mechanic, why should I listen to him?” You’re right; you shouldn’t. I’m merely a student journalist trying to graduate with minimal brain damage. However, just  recently, I bought myself a car. And I learned many things the hard way, which prompted months of research. One thing to mention is that we will be focusing solely on gasoline powered cars here. 

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