The Fittest Female at North Star

CrossFit is a well-known fitness program. Many people do it for a variety of reasons, from general fitness to weight-loss to competitions. The CrossFit Games are a major competition among some of the world’s fittest people for the crown of Fittest Male or Female on Earth. These games have age groups, and one of North Star’s own students competes in these high-level contests.

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An Awkward Article

Most students, teachers, or parents who have roamed the virtual halls of NSA have come across the “awkward elbow picture.” For those who are new to the fun nature of NSA the awkward elbow picture can be quite confusing. What is so special about a picture of two NSA students at a meet up where their elbows are touching? Why are their elbows touching? Why is this a trend and why, oh why, is it so awkward?

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Athletic Success in an Unconventional School

NorthStar Academy might not have any sports teams, but that doesn’t mean students at NSA do not play sports. In fact, some students at NorthStar are a part of the school because of the sport they play. NorthStar’s courses offer the flexibility and versatility that many students need to complete their schooling while participating in other activities like sports. An example of a student like this is James Albarracin, a sophomore who plays competitive tennis.

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The NSA Career Fair

One of the best things about NorthStar is that students don’t have to worry about missing out on what a student at a brick-and-mortar school gets to experience. Students at NSA can join clubs, socialize with classmates, and participate in contests. Recently, the Student Council helped host a career fair for NSA students.

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The Humorous Happenings of NSA

Students connected on FirstClass for a long time. With Teams, they can still connect. And where there are people, there is humor. NSA is definitely no exception. In this article, we’re going to reveal some of the funny moments and stories, given to us by a number of NSA students. While they probably aren't the funniest, they certainly are funny. So let’s get on with the humor, shall we?

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A Life of Pictures

Many cringe away from the grainy awkward pictures of everyday life. Those pictures that were taken with no skill or lighting, only raw reality. Those pictures that capture the truth of a moment. Pictures are not only aesthetic photos with gorgeous lighting and the smooth skin of Photoshop. Some pictures grasp the depth of a situation by keeping the unflattering, the real.

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Online School as an Only Child

“Oh you’re so lucky, I wish I was an only child.” Alas, a phrase an only child is so used to hearing. If you read Tirzah Hopkins’ article called “Family First,” and you couldn’t quite relate to living in a family of eleven, this one might just be for you. Online school looks different for everyone, and this is my experience doing online school as an only child.

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The Transition

Transitioning from a brick and mortar school to an online school is a very strange thing. The change from a real classroom to an online video call with your teacher and other students is a huge change. For those who are new to it, it all may seem overwhelming at first, but it gets easier and goes a lot smoother.

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